Vernon F. Williams, MD

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A medical doctor's personal battle to regain
his health, happiness and youthfulness.

This is a fight for your life!

But you have a choice! You can surrender to time's relentless assault - or you can fight for your life, roll back the years, and grow younger gracefully. Not with dyes, trusses, and girdles, but with solid, medical information, the kind that can tip the balance in your favor. With the advice from Vernon F. Williams, a Harvard educated, Albert Einstein-trained physician, you can actually grow younger - just as he did!

Including Dr. Williams FIVE-STEP PROGRAM you can use every day in your battle with the clock!

"My Five Steps Wellness Program is designed to optimize your body's systems and slow or
reverse your biological age. These steps consist of body sculpting, whole body detoxification,
weight reduction, bio-identical hormone optimization, and customized vitamin and nutrition.
The five-step program is designed for everyone, but not everyone will need all five steps."

What the Five-Step Program
Can Do For You

  • Reduce your weight
  • Reduce your body fat
  • Create a more desirable figure
  • Optimize your hormones
  • Reduce your stress
  • Increase your sex drive
  • Improve your metabolism
  • Cleanse your body of unwanted toxins, bacteria, viruses, and funguses
  • Decrease your blood pressure
  • Improve your sleep pattern
  • Improve your skin tone
  • Increase your energy level
  • Decrease your pain level
  • Decrease your inflammation
  • Decrease gastrointestinal discomforts
  • Decrease your chances of getting coronary
    artery diseases, stroke, diabetes, or cancer
  • Decreased your risks of other illness
  • Improve your immune function

This is the amazing Five Steps
Wellness Program pioneered
by Dr. Williams in his own battle
against aging and disease!

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Dr. Vernon F. Williams

was born in Trinidad & Tobago, and then moved to Harlem, New York City. A graduate of Harvard University, he attended Albert Einstein Medical School, did a General Surgery residency at Allegheny General Hospital and became a Flight Surgeon in the U.S. Air Force.

But in 1992, Dr. Williams was diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma (prolactinoma). He gained 75 pounds and his breasts became a size D!

vernon headshot

"For the first time, I was on the other side of the examination table; I was the patient, seeing firsthand how limited and ineffectual the medical response to my condition was. Rather than treating my underlying problem, my endocrinologist put a pharmaceutical band-aid on me. He did not attempt to find the cause or fix the problem. My realization that this represented the prevailing attitude in modern medicine was the impetus that started me on the journey that's brought me to where I am today. Today, I look and feel younger than I did 15 years ago. My physio-age analysis indicates a composite score of 28 years."

Learn more about Dr. Vernon Williams here.

If you're serious about reclaiming a youthful look and a healthy feeling, you've come to the right source.
Get started now!

The first and most important step in
is buying and reading this remarkable book!

"I am Dr. Vernon Williams; I'm a physician and the author of this book. In this book, you'll learn the steps you can take, starting now, to improve your health, energy, happiness, function, looks, attitude, and lifestyle. My goal is nothing less than making you feel like your old, young self again-as I do."

Where are you now?

If you want to join Dr. Williams in growing younger, you need to know where you are now.
Here are the questions you should ask yourself:
What are your health care practitioners telling you?
What are their beliefs (myths)?
Where are they getting their information?
What are their objectives?
Are they trying to fix the root causes of your medical problems, or simply
slapping Band-Aids on them?

Find out how to
turn back time, SAFELY!

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